Al-Bazai Company - the authorized Toyota agent in the Central Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Anti-lock Brake System
The Anti-lock Brake System with Electronic Brake-force Distribution helps maintain vehicle stability and driver control when braking. The Brake Assist function works effectively to ensure emergency braking.
Collision Safety Body
The body structure of the Yaris hatchback efficiently absorbs and distributes energy from frontal and side impacts, helping reduce cabin deformation. The body also mitigates impact energy in the event of a collision with a pedestrian.

Seat Belt
3-point Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) seatbelts with seatbelt pre-tensioners and force limiters are available for the driver and front passenger seats. 3-point ELR seatbelts are available for the outer seats, and a 2-point Non Retractor seatbelt is available for the centre seat.
SRS Airbags
SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) airbags are available for the driver and front passenger seats.

WIL Concept Seat
To help reduce whiplash injury when a rear end collision occurs, the WIL (Whiplash Injury Lessening) concept has been adopted for the front seats.